From my last post to this I can say its going a lot better. Last time I was frustrated and annoyed on how difficult it was to get a tile to follow my commands; Today it went better as I developed a new strategy to get the tiles to work more efficiently.
What has changed from last time is that I decided to use a stamping processes rather than a cloning one. Although it required me to basically start from phase one, no time was really wasted. Stamping is working really well, and there is less hassle. So far what has change from the cloning is that instead of multiple clones appearing after a combination is made, a whole set of blank tiles have been stamped throughout the grid and when the game starts costumes will switch from blank tiles that have been made.
I am now working on randomizing costumes. I am trying to do this by using the ()mod() block which can pick the tile on the grid, this is still a working progress. Although it seems to be working, its not working in a grid fashion, its moving in random places. Click here to checkout what I mean
As far as Mirka’s and I second project, It has been built and Mirka is trying to fix any problem that it has structure and movement wise. As far as programming I’m still tiring to download the software that scans the image so the robot can read it and draw it. I’m stuck on downloading some dependencies for robotcontrol, and hopefully after that I can download the rest of the software with ease.