2:07 pm
Today was the first day of our Nexus CS internship at UTEP. By technicality, yesterday was our first day but all we work on was establishing a schedule and talking about what we were going to be working on. Yesterday we decided that the first week’s goal for this internship was to learn basics by going into code.org and light bot to complete an hour of code. I had previously completed an hour of code my sophomore year but it was really refreshing and helpful to relearn it. Just like my sophomore year, I worked on light bot challenge. In light bot, you learn primary functions and concepts of coding and programming. Using only four commands (for the most part), the goal and objective is to light the blue squares. Sounds simple but I actually struggled a bit. I found myself struggling simply because I was over complicating easy commands. I would see a grid and would end up working harder not smarter. Regardless, I finished the hour of code and although the last level, 3-6, was a toughy I did it. So far it has sincerely helped rejuvenate my memory in coding. As of now, the next challenge looks like its going to be the python turtle. From my understanding, you program a turtle to draw something of your choosing. I guess we’ll see how it all works out.