I have been making a Pac-Man game on Scratch, which can be difficult at times. Programming from Scratch I have learned a lot that I didn’t know before. I have faced many challenges that I have had to overcome, for example, one of the first problems I had was to make Pac-Man not be able to go through walls, as well as the ghosts. I had many issues doing this, because after thinking I had fixed the problem, I had realized my Pac-Man gets stuck on the walls and moves diagonally. I then realized I had to change the background of the game. I also had the biggest issue of the game, which is to get the ghosts to go after Pac-Man, without following the same movement each time. I did eventually get this to work, the only minor issue I have is the ghosts occasionally get out of the maze. I am not yet done, but am almost there.
For my second project, Rosa and I have decided to make a robot that looks like an elephant. We have yet to think of a purpose for the elephant, but we have sketches and some operations for it. Even though it doesn’t have a purpose, we have had some ideas. The elephant will be for entertainment, education, or to help others around the household.